Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Successfully Immunised

I had my final shots tonight, and I'm now immunised against rabies, typhoid, and both the heps.  I've also got anti-malarials and antibiotics.

Malaysia seems to be an exciting place to be a germ, but rather scarier for people.  Fortunately modern cities are pushing back the mosquitos, and there are all these immunisations available. I'm fairly certain I wouldn't be going if all that was defending me from malaria was a Gin & Tonic, even if it was Bombay Sapphire & Schweppes.

Of course we're heading for the exciting, beautiful, and only-slightly-urban Borneo, rather than just touring the cities and tourist beaches of south-east Asia.  Arguably we're doing it wrong - Asia has cities unlike NZ, or indeed, anywhere - but how can you go to Malaysia and not see orang-utans?  That would be like going to Wellington and not riding the cable car, or London and not riding the tube, or New York and not getting mugged.

The beaches will be beautiful, and sunny, and relaxing and I don't begrudge them to anyone.  We'll have a beach in Kota Kinabalu amongst all the pole houses and hopefully we'll be able to cram 3 weeks of relaxing into that one day :-D

However I do get itchy feet and I like to have something specific, like orangu-tans, that I can tell people I went for.  Particularly when they don't believe I did it to laugh at all the tropical diseases.

Oh, by the way, I didn't get mugged in New York ;-)


  1. Just to be on the safe side, I'd recommend drinking at least 3 G&Ts each day. Hold the ice!
