Friday, 22 August 2014

Meeting Amazing People

Inspiring speeches, fantastic educationals, and impressive awards are the obvious benefits of convention. However the greatest benefit is meeting the amazing people.

Everyday we bump into someone new and learn a little bit more. Everyone here has a story and has come a long way, even the Singaporeans apparently :-D

The Malays are wonderful, calm, and efficient. They've done their nation very proud and I want to give all of them a big hug. I helped with a district convention and it was a emotional and physical marathon, my heart goes out to everyone that worked on this monumental endeavour.

My personal squee moment was bumping into Rick from Speak at the dessert table. I get worried that he'll have a heart attack every time I see the movie. But was very pleased to see that he is slimmed down and smiling these days. Speak helped him a lot and he's still competing but now it's an excuse to go to convention.  (Gael was rather annoyed that I met Rick but didn't get a photo, she's a much better groupie than me)

We've also talked to Zimbabweans, had an argument with a Nigerian and apologised profusely to her saint of a husband, and been mobbed by a friendly horde of Singaporeans. We even managed to get to the pub with some Kiwis!

When we sat down for breakfast in an underground mall 1/2 a kilometre from KLCC, Coen from Singapore introduced himself as a Toastmaster and advised us on breakfast, Singaporean economics, and Malaysian milo. He's working hard at becoming a professional speaker and doing amazingly well. Very inspiring seeing someone focussed so clearly on their dream.

At the other end of the journey, I had a quick chat with Douglas Kruger, an actual professional speaker. He was lovely, outgoing, and honest. He openly admitted that the merch is occasionally a nice sideline but mostly marketing. It only took him 4 years to become a pro-speaker but he's still learning and improving.

Oops, there's the 2013 champion, got to go...

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