Tuesday, 1 December 2020

The truth of the matter:

I am very sorry I have to reach you through this medium. I am a member of the debt reconvener (debt collection experts) and I am aware of your ordeal about your unpaid fund.

It may interest you to know that not long after the Debt Management Office (DMO) completed the merger and acquisition process of all pending payments occasion through the petition raised by the international community about their unpaid funds. I discovered that their boss connived with some top officials to divert funds approve to settle unpaid inheritances, email lottery winners, Internet scam victims, unclaimed consignments(concealed funds), and International Contractors.

The DMO has already given the approval to pay your fund but they deliberately withheld your payment file and continue to demand fees from you through their associates from different unassigned affiliates mostly from Africa, the US, and the Netherlands all in trying to frustrate you and enrich themselves. I wonder why you haven't noticed all this while.

You may choose to disbelieve this email as inconceivable but my doctrine does not let such an act, the reason I have to open up to you to seek the right channel. DMO was authorized to release your fund via their asset management firm with claim code numbers, supposedly to have been issued to you.

Upon your response, I shall guide you through and offer you with details to contact the assigned affiliate who will immediately ease the release of your fund.

Thanks and have a wonderful day.

Yours Faithfully,
Admin Emissary.

Saturday, 7 November 2020


Vast letter,
My Name is Martin Rodwich Sanchez
I need your confidence to discuss a vast business details with you.
 Because I  have sent several mails to you without reply,
We shall discuss in detail upon your response.

Martin Rodwich Sanchez

Saturday, 19 September 2020

urgent attention


We are an established entity here in the Middle East with series of closed deals and strong partnerships achieved by years of continuous diligence, trust and uninterrupted attention to our clients.

We have financed various projects and ventures through our business consultants in different countries. We were previously focused on oil and energy sectors but we are now seeking to invest in various feasible projects from various sectors of the economy of different regions around the globe by expanding our investment portfolio and investing into projects at 3% interest annually.

We are basically seeking expansion strategy through diversified strategic decisions. We have a broad view on investment banking from expertise of our team. We identify entrepreneurial skills, strong partnership, leadership experience and possible investments all in the vain to increase our overall portfolio. We would like to review your business summary or presentation to understand your project.

Allah Bless,
Anderson Yosuf Oldman
Chief Finance Officer.

Friday, 10 April 2020


I have a business Proposal for you and I need your mutual respect, trust, honesty and adequate support.Kindly contact me on mrchenhk220@gmail.com should this be of interest to you.

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Please Get back to me

Hello My Dear ,

It's my pleasure to finally get a chance to write you. I would like to be sure that your email is active please respond to me as soon as possible. Have a great day. 


Yours Truly,

Mrs. Norah Jane